Bargaining Update #5

As we near the end of 2023, we want to reach out and thank you for the commitment you’ve shown in working together toward a new contract.

The many meetings we held, the retreat we organized, and the survey we sent out all showed great enthusiasm, resolve, and commitment to addressing our work-related issues at Wayne.

Your Bargaining Team has been meeting regularly for the last few months in preparation for the upcoming contract negotiations.

As a result of the survey and the various meetings with our membership (including at the departmental level), subcommittees are further exploring many of the issues of importance. Initial findings from these subcommittees are expected in February.

From our Team to all our hard-working and involved members, we wish everyone a prosperous New Year!

May your dedication and solidarity continue to shape a better future at Wayne for us all —faculty and academic staff.

Together, we will strive for a new contract that is fair and just for all the work we do at the University.

Happy New Year!

Your Bargaining Team

P.S. Here are some initial highlights from the survey, which we have previously shared at the retreat:

• Our membership comprises a diverse group of classifications amongst our academic staff and faculty.

• With respect to our current contract, almost 43% of our membership is somewhat satisfied or very satisfied, 26% is neutral while 31% is somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with it.

In terms of "issues of importance":

  • For 70% of our membership, Salaries and Compensation is very important, Benefits and the Campus Environment is very important for ~45% of the membership.

  • Employment security status/promotion/tenure is very important for 36% of our membership.

  • Some 82% of our membership is fairly or very supportive of a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) being part of annual salary adjustments.

  • Almost 70% of our membership agree or strongly agree that Flexible Work Arrangements should be a contractual policy.

  • While our membership is divided on how much selective salary should contribute to our annual raises, the vast majority have issues with the process and would like us to explore other options.

  • There seems to be overall general satisfaction (agree, strongly agree) with the medical, dental, and vision plans that we have (64-77%).

  • In terms of the cost of healthcare premiums: satisfaction with co-pays and deductibles is around 52-57%.

  • The vast majority of our members would like a retirement plan with the major portion of the health care premiums covered.


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Remembering Guy Stern