Bargaining Update #3

All Wayne Academic Union members should have received a Bargaining Survey on October 9. Please look for an email from Survey Monkey, which will contain a unique link for you to access the survey.

The survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. You can only complete the survey once, but you do not have to complete it in one sitting: you may pause and restart where you left off by clicking on your link again. You will have until noon on Monday, October 23rd to complete the survey.

The survey is one part of our effort to gather information about our member concerns as we prepare for negotiations. In addition to the survey, WAU members can share your thoughts by:

• Coming to the General Membership Meeting this Wednesday, October 11 at 12 pm in the Student Center, Hilberry E/F. Boxed lunches will be available at 11:30 am. Email for the Zoom link to join remotely.

• Attend the all-WAU member Bargaining Retreat on Saturday, November 11, in the Student Center from 10 am – 2 pm. RSVP here.

• Attend or help organize a unit/department level meeting. Please contact Michael Williams for further information.

If you are not a member of the union yet you can join here. Please note that only WAU members can vote to ratify the contract when we reach the end of negotiations. If you wish to share your thoughts on bargaining priorities as a non-member, email them to and they will be shared with the bargaining team.

Looking forward to hearing our member’s voices.

In Solidarity

The Team
(Ali, Angie, Christine, Deborah, Hayg, Kristen, Mark, Pramod)


Fall General Membership Meeting


WAU News, October 2023